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by OB7
Mon 2. Sep 2024, 19:45
Forum: General
Topic: provocations
Replies: 5
Views: 5616

Re: provocations

willing to generously donate to support the server but i think this is a bad element,he stopped after getting gagged and restarted about 10 days ago with other players first ,he likes to camp and hide in corners and complains also about use of nades against him
by OB7
Mon 2. Sep 2024, 19:43
Forum: General
Topic: provocations
Replies: 5
Views: 5616

Re: provocations

its the same with other players when they outsmart outplay him,very difficult not to answer ,
by OB7
Sun 1. Sep 2024, 18:51
Forum: General
Topic: provocations
Replies: 5
Views: 5616

Re: provocations

maxwind today 6:40pm office DM
by OB7
Mon 26. Aug 2024, 19:07
Forum: General
Topic: provocations
Replies: 5
Views: 5616


why is this player MAXWIND still having issues with different players, almost daily basis,provication and insults,check the logs for example of the last 1 hour on office DM,bad for the server
by OB7
Mon 13. May 2024, 19:39
Forum: General
Topic: too much provocation from players
Replies: 4
Views: 4863

Re: too much provocation from players

its called spam,too much writing and its always like this and false accusations and insults but look,im done im not playing there anymore,so no worries
by OB7
Mon 13. May 2024, 19:06
Forum: General
Topic: too much provocation from players
Replies: 4
Views: 4863

too much provocation from players

trying to ignore but its annoying
should i just stop playing on that server ,there is no way to even ignore comments
and why did i just get slapped
by OB7
Mon 19. Feb 2024, 21:52
Forum: General
Topic: kicked for camping
Replies: 3
Views: 5514

Re: kicked for camping

hi,yes but the "last warning" is disturbing,like if they want to do admin work,there are so many regular campers on office,specially the awp campers
,and then no later than yesterday i did call admin because there are a couple of players insulting /bullying me,and others this is only when they get ...
by OB7
Mon 19. Feb 2024, 18:48
Forum: General
Topic: provoc
Replies: 2
Views: 6467

Re: provoc

the same issue with player BK elite,he was warned already about 2/3 weeks ago after starting a voteban me,and lying about the fact that i lag,ever since he likes to bully people for camping or me for lagging,while he is the one doing these things and the problem always happens when you outsmart him ...
by OB7
Mon 19. Feb 2024, 18:41
Forum: General
Topic: kicked for camping
Replies: 3
Views: 5514

kicked for camping

hi everyone,i decided that i had to do something about this,
while playing on deathmatch office
i just got kicked with a message "last warning" after being "slayed" but i assure you i was not camping
i do see players camping everyday and always the same,nothing happen to them

could this be a ...