Banned instantly

Du wurdest gebannt oder hast eine Demo eines Cheaters?

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Banned instantly

Post by iAmASurviVoR »

Hello 4players,
German or English?
I just played for like 10 Minutes on 1 of your Servers and got instantly banned on your server.
Can someone explain me what happend and what I did do wrong or if it is a confusion?
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Re: Banned instantly

Post by TBC|Snake »

iAmASurviVoR wrote: Fri 15. Sep 2023, 20:25 Hello 4players,
German or English?
I just played for like 10 Minutes on 1 of your Servers and got instantly banned on your server.
Can someone explain me what happend and what I did do wrong or if it is a confusion?
You got banned due to aimbotting issues...

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Re: Banned instantly

Post by iAmASurviVoR »

I don't have Aimbot, so how do you get to that conclusion? Are you the one who banned me?
Did you just ban me based on my score or did you spectate?
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Re: Banned instantly

Post by WackSo.Be »


Who banned you is irrelevant, you got caught and revieuwed by several Admins.

Case closed.
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Re: Banned instantly

Post by iAmASurviVoR »

I was just asking a question to understand, who and how they came to that conclusion.
I can't believe that I got reviewed by several Admins and this is the final verdict.
So obviously when I get banned and I am the one who has to deal with the consequences, I would like to understand the reasons behind it and based on what.
So can you show me the material on what all these Admins based their opinion on, as you claim?
It doesn't make any sense, I can't get caught for something I never did.
And the fact you just said "case closed" seems pretty unreasonable and disrespectful to me, when the case just opened and so far nothing got provided to me.
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Re: Banned instantly

Post by TBC|Snake »

You can check your ban ==>Here<==

There is a demo from you playing and using aimbot, the demo can only be downloaded by you. Three Admins checked the ban so it will stay permanently

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Re: Banned instantly

Post by Honey-Mom »

iAmASurviVoR wrote: Fri 15. Sep 2023, 22:22 And the fact you just said "case closed" seems pretty unreasonable and disrespectful to me, when the case just opened and so far nothing got provided to me.
If you are right and we banned you without any good reason - then it would be disrespectful.
If its not - its very disrespectful of you to protest here!

I will ask one more involved admin to check out this ban (Bi@).
If he says you are a hacker - I will ban you also from this forum.

Best regards

Give me 1-2 days.
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Re: Banned instantly

Post by iAmASurviVoR »

I agree with that @Honey-Mom .
I just thought in the way "innocent until proven guilty" and I extra had to sign up on this page to make an account to potest against my ban. So this verdict seemed way too fast for all the efforts.
I wonder if any hackers would even do that, especially in a 20 year old game.

And I just reviewed the material. It is not even 2 minutes. I wish he recorded a little more.
There was indeed 1 lucky good shot at 00:42 , but at the same time plenty of misses aleady like at second 7 (close misses the head), that must be a terrible Aimbot then.
I recommend watching with a slower speed in the particiular situations, so you can see the movement is pretty smooth.
The only situation which could look a little bit "suspicious" in my opinion, is at second 42 because it is a very fast movement to the left, but after that movement and player kill, I still kept moving & shooting more to the left (as it is miliseconds). I doubt an aimbot would do that. (And keep in mind I play with a 144Hz Monitor, I think the Demo is just 60Hz and slightly delayed)
Anyway, If i am getting banned after 2 Minutes because of 1 good kill and 3 Admins here already agreed that I am hacking, I am not sure if it is even a good idea to play again, as it will likely result in a Ban again, there will be more often such kills for sure.
But thanks for reviewing.
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Re: Banned instantly

Post by TBC|Snake »

I just exchanged the uploaded demo to a longer (10 Minute) one. There are more situations of it.

Further on: STEAM ID is newly registrated.

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Re: Banned instantly

Post by iAmASurviVoR »

Yes that is true, I lost my entire old account with 1500h several years ago, after not having access to my Emailadress anymore and then I quit for many years.

Could you elaborate on what you mean with "more situations"? Because I don't see any more situations, I rather see standard Gameplay, even me shooting Allys in the head, would that be possible with Aimbot? Isn't that the proof right there lol?

Thanks for providing further proof, even though it is even more delayed than your spectator Demo, which was already delayed compared to 144Hz Gameplay.

If there is anything on how I can proof that I am clean let me know.