Kazz toxic player

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Kazz toxic player

Post by chriscross »

Good afternoon to everyone,

I belive this is a non ending story because for many times we reported him he is back to continue his toxic behaviour:
I noticed:
spam in chat
aggressive tone,
telling others what to do,
calling my name even if I was not playing at that time.

I would like that someone from the admins take a closer look at his behaviour :
https://logs.4played.de/result.php?game ... 773&page=3

Thank you and have a great day!
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Re: Kazz toxic player

Post by Marach »

Hey KT.

I will have an eye on it. Noticed it, too.
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Re: Kazz toxic player

Post by BehindBlueEyes »

He constantly moans about planting the bomb, then when you do half the time doesn't even bother to try and defuse it.
he spreads misinformation about people being cheats and only ever plays CT side and goes in and out of spectate depending if his team is winning or loosing causing bad team balancing issues on the server.
the way he carries on you would think he owns the server not HM
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Re: Kazz toxic player

Post by serpentard »

He has been provoking me every time I've played on this server.
And he still does it and no one says anything.
I notice that he's been bothering others for a long time now without being interrupted.
But as he said, apparently he's friends with the owner of 4played so...
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Re: Kazz toxic player

Post by cosmic »

Him and pederdox called admin every time i played XDDDD
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Re: Kazz toxic player

Post by Honey-Mom »

Hi all,

good to hear information like this. Thanks for all posts.
Can you call an admin if there is some trouble next time ? Maybe we can solve it directly on server.

No - there is no friendship or anything else.
He is just a player on our servers like you. He is also not favored.....

Best regards
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